Watch with sapphire glass

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Watches with sapphire glass

Discover our large collection of watches with sapphire glass. This scratch-resistant glass is one of the hallmarks of a quality watch. View the specific models for Men or for Women. With a sapphire glass watch you can always read the time with pleasure and the design will always shine.

Showing 121–180 of 241 results

Watch with sapphire glass is the strongest.

The strongest watch glass in the world is sapphire glass. But this glass is also a lot more expensive to make. That is why it is usually not on watches under 500 euros, but there are exceptions. This is evident from the extensive range of Prisma watches with sapphire glass at an affordable price.


Plastic and mineral glass

The cheapest watches on the market are made with plastic glass. Very scratch sensitive and therefore only used with cheap watches. The most used glass for watches is mineral glass. These watches will not scratch easily during normal use. It is seven times harder than plastic glass. It is made from glass crystals that have been heated or chemically treated. This makes them more robust and more resistant to scratches. It is a fairly scratch-resistant and affordable alternative.


Sapphire glass watch

This glass is three times harder than mineral glass and is really scratch resistant. In fact, only another sapphire or diamond can make a scratch on it. The sapphire crystals come from a synthetic substance that gives the glass robust properties. Click here to see all sapphire glass ladies watches or sapphire glass men’s watches.